photo by Olivia Graham
is so thrilled
With a little help from the
stunning photography of
* O l i v i a G r a h a m *
who transports us to calming places
with her keen use of light, mood, and magic...
here are a few pick-me-ups to keep us thriving
in this season of RENEWAL and PROMISE.
Take a drive.
It's good every once in awhile to have
no particular destination in mind
in order to discover something new,
clear the cobwebs from the mind,
and feel that sense of freedom you had
when you were 16 years young.
Inject something new and unexpected
into your decorating at home.
Mass a bunch of mirrors on a lonely wall.
Buy a piece of art that's a little dangerous or one-off.
Visit One Girl!
Spring is a season of growth, and so often
stepping outside our comfort zone leads
us toward personal growth.
Don't just accept the face staring
back in the glass, give her love.
We're so hard on ourselves, and where
does that get us? We're so much more
than bones and skin, but sometimes
we don't act like it.
Let's act like it.
Follow the path that leads to fun.
If spring doesn't jolt your spirit into having
a little more fun, I'm not sure what will!
Is there a sport or a hobby or a place you've
been dreaming about? Go for it.
Get comfortable with your personal style.
Spring is such an awesome season to shed some of those
wintry fashions and safe wardrobe choices for
lighter-hearted options that feel right FOR YOU.
I do hope you'll stop in so I can show you
some really cute new finds.
Embrace your femininity.
That will mean something different for each of us.
For me, I love feminine apparel and objects paired
with an edge--the contrast sort of balances everything
out and keeps me feeling centered.
Laugh more everyday.
We all know this is totally the best prescription ever.
It eases the pain of daily stress.
It increases endorphins in the brain.
It removes the sting of disappointment.
It is medicine with sweet side effects.
Get moving.
So many of us hibernate all winter and stop
exercising, and we will definitely not mention
muffin tops here (oops.) but your body is
counting on you to do what's right for it so
it can serve you well for a long time.
Let's dust off our bikes!
Smell the blossoms.
The air is suddenly sweeter so let's
savor it and be grateful for it everyday.
Climb a tree.
Okay, maybe not literally.
ONE GIRL accepts no liability
for readers who buckle on 6-inch platform
sandals to scale oaks over 24 inches.
But take a risk or go out on a limb
where the fruit is.
Isn't Olivia Graham's photography amazing?
Thanks for reading...
Thanks for supporting ONE GIRL
and the girl behind it.
I hope these encouraging thoughts
and reminders enhance your everyday.
Big hug.
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